UnderControl performative / interactive installation

Schmiede 2014 _ first prototype

UnderControl is a project about our lives under control, in every movement, breath, mood, way, intimacy and, of course, privacy. This hidden sharp violence of our personal paths throughout the traceability of each action we do through a digital world and the extremely huge amount of infos, we freely give about our-selves in our everyday life. With this starting point the idea is to recreate a small scale space inspired by the Panoptic of Foucault where the human eyes of control will become – in an opposite prospective- different shooting eyes of the cameras and the live-recording will display a stream on the screens for an active audience.

The body will still dance in this small space with this specific condition, trying to define how we feel under control. The challenge is to research and find the poetic depth in these particular conditions coming from inspiration of our age of digital control, where the“eyes”are potentially everywhere, being not really aware of what are exactly all the consequences of this present and probably more intensive future conditions.

The audience is free to look at the body, the screen and/or at different screens at any time and at the same time.

concept & dance Livia Marques
thanks a lot for all collaborative support:
concept development Michael Hackl, Andreea Sasaran. Philip Reitsperger
artistic development Antoni Rayzhekov
setting advisor Magdalena Meindl
costume design Amina Daschil
photos Jonas Bohatsch. Afroditi Psarra
video project Stefanie Weberhofer
media advice Cinema Vertigo
team, Nathan Bather
tech support Schmiede tech Team, Tinkerlab, Lilo Krebernik,
Fedža Lukovac, Bojan Kanlic, Tarik Rizuanovic
special thanks to Ela Grieshaber, Patrick Teubl, Curtis Cobane

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