Contemporary Dance Training
Space, timing, gravity, weight, energy: these are the basic tools we will work and play during an intensive deeper study about movement and dance.
Skeletal levers and physics laws supporting the anatomical structures and functions. A technique training focusing on floor work and the engagement and tuning for the ensemble.
The Contemporary Dance Training is an intensive sharing moment where we analyse and go forward in contemporary dance research. Depending on the context and the group, the training can focus on different aspects of dancing process.
As a course with classes of 1h e 30 min or 2 hours.
Also as an intensive workshop 6 hours minimum.
Tuning Soundscape Contemporary Dance Research Lab.
The movement / sound interconnection
In the beginning was the dance-sound… James Joyce
An invitation for a Sound-Listening format, already existing in the landscape itself. By focusing upon all the nodes and intersections we daily cross in our real and virtual lives, we find natural routes and maps, allowing us to intersect and create relationships with our surroundings. These paths, often taken for granted, are not at all obvious or trivial if we consider the wide possibilities we have as human-beings to interact with the environment – social, architectural, urban, sound, kinaesthetic, biological and so on. From there, we develop an open investigation about the relationships this Soundscape can provoke in the body for dancing.
As an intensive workshop, at least 10 hours in 2 days or more.
Also as a course with classes of 2 hours or 1h and 30 min
Body in Contemporary Arts, let’s talk about it
space timing gravity weight-force energy: these are the basic tools we will
work and play during an intensive 6 hours deep study about movement and dance.
Skeletal levers and physics laws more than anatomical structures.
Two meetingS of 3 hours each where we will share a technique training focused
on floor work as well as timing/space for the ensemble tuning and
specific soundscape.
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th 2012
time schedule 14-17 h (both days)
at Il Vivaio del Malcantone
via del Malcantone 15 _Campo di Marte, Florence IT
The OPEN TRAINING series is an intensive sharing moment where we analyze and go forward in contemporary dance research. Depending on the context and the group can be focalized in different aspects of the dance process.
Already happened, during the years in Italy (Florence and Milan) and Netherlands (Amsterdam).
Open training – Corte dei Miracoli Siena
con Livia Marques (ITA/BRA)
“All’inizio era la danza-suono” James Joyce
Nasce una nuova opportunità di formazione a Siena.
Un occasione mensile per incontrare professionisti delle arti performative che transitano dalla città.
Danza Contemporanea, Teatro Fisico, Analisi del movimento, Coreografia.
Per tutti i professionisti del movimento, per appassionati di danza, per educatori, formatori o curiosi che vogliono abitare il mondo in modi diversi e aprire la percezione dei propri orizzonti.
La prima ospite è Livia Marques, artista, antropologa, attivista italo-brasiliana. (maggiori info su )
Nel suo laboratorio coreografico viene proposto un formato di ascolto al suono già presente nel paesaggio stesso, focalizzando tutti quei nodi o incroci che attraversiamo quotidianamente nella realtà e nella virtualità. Percorsi e circuiti che permettono le intersezioni e relazioni con il circostante che ormai diamo per scontate ma che non sono affatto ovvie o banali se consideriamo le possibilità molto più ampie che abbiamo come esseri umani di interagire con l’ambiente, sia esso sociale, architettonico, urbano, sonoro, cinestetico, biologico e così via. Da qui viene elaborata una indagine aperta sulle relazioni che tale Soundscape può provocare nel corpo e nella danza.